
GPU Memory Swap by Run:ai

Hagay Sharon
July 22, 2024

In machine learning projects, optimizing GPU usage is crucial. Run:ai's new feature, 'GPU memory swap' (v2.18), transforms the way that organizations leverage GPU resources.

Understanding GPU Memory Swap

Run:ai’s GPU memory swap addresses the challenge of sharing a GPU by multiple AI tasks while overcoming the limited GPU memory. Traditionally, GPUs have smaller memory capacities compared to CPUs. This can limit productivity when multiple AI tasks, such as model training or inference, compete for GPU resources simultaneously. Run:ai's solution extends the effective memory of GPUs by utilizing the much larger memory capacity available on CPUs. This allows AI workloads to seamlessly swap between GPU and CPU memory, enabling more tasks to run simultaneously on a single GPU without the risk of tasks being terminated due to memory constraints.

Benefits of GPU Memory Swap

1. Sharing GPUs Between Multiple Workloads

Imagine a scenario where data scientists and practitioners use Jupyter notebooks to develop and refine ML models. These notebooks intermittently require GPU resources but may leave the GPU idle for long periods in between. With GPU memory swap, multiple notebooks can share the same GPU efficiently. Even if the total memory required exceeds the GPU's physical limit, AI tasks can seamlessly swap between GPU and CPU memory. This ensures that each workload gets the resources it needs without interruption.

2. Balancing Interactive and Background Workloads

In AI environments, there's often a need to balance real-time inference tasks (such as image recognition) or Jupyter notebooks with more computationally intensive training processes. GPU memory swap facilitates this balance by enabling a single GPU to seamlessly switch between tasks. When the GPU is actively used for inference, the system can swap out training data to CPU memory, and vice versa. While inference tasks are not used, the training process can be expedited by solely using the full GPU resources. This dynamic allocation optimizes GPU utilization, ensuring that both types of workloads operate smoothly while using full GPU memory.

3. Efficient Serving of Inference Models

Inference tasks demand rapid access to pre-loaded models stored in GPU memory to meet performance and latency requirements. GPU memory swap empowers MLOps engineers to preload multiple models onto a single GPU. Inactive models are stored as "warm" models in CPU memory, ready to be quickly swapped back into GPU memory as needed. This approach minimizes latency and maximizes performance during inference tasks, providing a significant advantage over traditional model servers that load models from scratch.

Configuring and Managing GPU Memory Swap

Configuring GPU memory swap involves setting up prerequisites such as Dynamic Fractions and optionally, Node Level Scheduler. These features optimize workload performance and resource utilization within a node, ensuring efficient swapping between GPU and CPU memory. Administrators have the flexibility to adjust settings to control CPU memory limits for the swapped GPU memory, managing resource allocation effectively.

To prevent specific workloads from being swapped out when undesired, administrators can employ anti-affinity pod labels. These labels ensure that nodes designated for GPU memory swap are not considered by the scheduler. An alternative solution is to limit access of certain projects to node-pools that use GPU memory swap.


Final Words

GPU memory swap by Run:ai represents a significant advancement in AI infrastructure management. By extending GPU memory using CPU resources, organizations can maximize the utilization of their GPU investments while maintaining consistent and reliable performance across AI initiatives. This technology not only enhances operational efficiency but also supports scalability and flexibility in managing diverse AI workloads.

For organizations, GPU memory swap is a game-changer in achieving optimal performance from their AI infrastructure. With Run:ai, the complexities of managing GPU resources are streamlined, enabling smoother workflows and improved resource allocation strategies. 

Curious about the entire release? Check out the announcement here. 

Ready to get started? Book your demo today and see how Run:ai can help you accelerate AI development and increase efficiency.